Tag: Lesbian
Fia speaks,and I reply.We see each other eye to eye.My body fits her like a dress.She flicks her tongue, and I confess.She takes me where I should not go.She tells me things she cannot know.She pets my muff until I purr.She’s into me. I’m into her. Fia tasteslike Creme Brulé.We fuck all night. We kiss…
First time kissing a girl
You are young womanand I’m mature oneyet I shake nervously when you kiss me.you tell me that your youth will do its thing,not to worry and not to think. We undress slowly,we kiss lightly,I’m kissing a woman for the first time. I stand before you in sexy lingerie,in stockings and heels, dressed for you. You…
Note to my Lesbian Lover
From a second story apartment… I’m so totally taken by your visions and affection… I love the sound of rain on a tin roof, thunderstorms in the afternoon, and the quaking torrential atmosphere of inclement weather. I love the rolling black clouds and the flashes across the sky. I love being in your arms…
*** My princess knows her carriage waits outside with Cinderella plates, but from the limo’s tinted glass I see her figure swirling past the castle window, arm in arm with dark and handsome, Mister Charm. . Her dress, like spangled ocean spray, invites his swimming hands to play across the hollows, clefts, and curves that…
*** The great divide that is the space between our hearts will come unlaced and puddle softly at our feet . By morning’s mist I’ll taste your bloom and through the heat of afternoon we’ll tie each other in the sheets . When evening spills your musky scent into my mouth, I shall relent and…