Category: Poetry
Comin’ Thro The Rye
Tainted souls with trigger warnings erogenous beings scandalously cladDancing to raptures of decadent minds and stereotypes possessing dark flaws Held to the breasts of hermaphroditeswithout ovaries and stalagmites Clinging like bats in the cunt’s scullery quenching the thirst of the friars lurch In Twilight’s rationality…“If a body meets a body, comin’ thro the rye”
I Am Shadow
I am a shadow of twilighta charade of fleshmasqueradingI am the scavengerof your fatescreamingI am the graveof your decaying corpsetaunting your bonesI am your miseryof your adultress memorieslying underfootI am a shadowof your grotesque
In The Ink
Becoming my quill’s poetic voyeur tasting the fly in the ink the dark side of my hors d’oeuvre listening to silence whispering in my ear as if lusting scorpions crawling my back among the shadows in my mind’s oasis from one verse to another infinity wearing my flesh arousing me tasting the fly in the…
Petal Posey
A wise owl of veiled memories dreamless sleep shadows deepeternal dark lusting your marrowand petal posey of labia’s lipsstained with coffin’s mahoganysweet scent of decadent glaciersmelting in my arms
Tablespoons Before Cold Moon
Apothecary of decadent dark shadows and tablespoons before the cold moon mortar and pestle powdering my labia with two interludes of wanton celloa modus operandi between my thighslistening to Mantovani’s, “Unchained Melody”and feeling your tongue kiss my soul
Body of Rose
As a body of rose becomes my ghostof fragrant petals for my loving hostas the attar weeps of wilted thornsgenuflecting to your pure heart For my blue eyes on trellis adornedof love spawning the crystal dew for a moment in time in the mistlike soft satin’s mist airborne With many things of love to be…
Cold Martini
Touching me with your black lacecold cold thigh accentuating lust giving me a little haunting tweakmemories of our naked tango with fishnet and heels in paradiseand orgasms on a different plateau with a whore’s wet kiss just you and me with a cold martini
You Took My Heart
Feeling the thorn of the quill masturbating on my soulas your tongue tastes me. My cunt plays succubusto your cock’s stiletto. In my analysis non sequituras the candles crowed loudly. With the weight of thewildebeests lashing my wrists in Twilight’s sado-masochism. Missing lyrics of obsession. Fraying theamatory of arousing fires. Lusting for the trusshaunting the…
Dripping From Depraved Oysters
The shadow felt like an emery boardagainst my lusting flesh dark of tonguewith chatoyant jalapeno green eyeshemorrhaging decadence for my lonely dripping from its depraved oystersnaked shell screaming, “I vont yor blod” rinsing out memories with Selsun Blue swinging on a rainbow of delirium
Yesterday’s Sake
With the haunting decadent kiss debauchery’s fragrant crescendo’s rapture whispering the dark’s indigo of pleasures through the pane of shadows as seen through the orgies of undies poetically charmed of the vegan’s tofu stripped lashed bound with silk in tied dyed memories of yesterday’s sake